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radiation analysis



Internal Dosimeter Array Payload Operational Software

The activity covers the design development, programming, and verification of the Internal Dosimeter Array (IDA) payload Interface Electronics Operational Software.

Miniaturised Space Radiation Monitor

The activity covers the design development, programming, and verification of the Space Dosimetry Telescope (SDT) payload Interface Electronics Operational Software.



Internal Dosimeter Array Payload Operational Software
The activity covers the design development, programming, and verification of the Internal Dosimeter Array (IDA) payload Interface Electronics Operational Software. IDA Payload is the first Lunar Gateway internal ESA science payload, which aims to accommodate different ESA space dosimetry instrumentation and similar JAXA instruments into one payload to be hosted on board the US HALO module of Gateway. The duties of the operational software would be to control the payload's internal peripherals and manage all external interface(s). The only data interface to Gateway PSM will be IEEE 802.3u (100BASE-TX) through which all control, command and data access functions will be possible. The software will control all hosted instrumentation by collecting all telemetry information including health data with a high level of autonomous operation. It will feature firmware upgrade capability through the Ethernet interface. The launch of the unit is expected in 2024 to be operational for up to 10 years in Moon orbit.


Space Dosimetry Telescope Payload Operational Software
The activity covers the design development, programming, and verification of the Space Dosimetry Telescope (SDT) payload Interface Electronics Operational Software. SDT Payload will be hosted on board the Earth Return Orbiter (ERO) during its journey to Mars and back to Earth. It aims to perform cosmic radiation (space weather) and space dosimetric measurements at the same time during a typical Mars mission. The duties of the operational software would be to control the payload's internal peripherals and manage all external interface(s), control and monitor the payload health and status and provide firmware upgrade possibility. The launch of the unit is expected in 2026 to Martian orbit.