With 50 years of relevant experience
At the establishment, almost 50 years of space research related engineering experience was transferred into our company to support future space science activities in Hungary. Our company has already gained space flight heritage (TRL9 heritage) in design and development, production and verification of space equipment.
space missions
space missions
days in space
days in space

Our Top Missions
01.E-Box for IDA on Lunar GatewayDevelopment of the common electronics unit (E-Box) of the Internal Dosimetry Array instrument suite to be deployed on the HALO module of the Lunar Gateway space station as an internal science ESA payload. E-Box will be the interface between Gateway and the dosimeters of the IDA payload. Prime Contractor: Centre for Energy Research.
02.DPM for COCA on Comet InterceptorDevelopment and implementation of the central electronics Digital Processing Module of the Comet Camera for the Comet Interceptor interplanetary mission of the European Space Agency. Prime Contractor: University of Bern.
03.INT for SDT on Earth Return OrbiterEngineering support in the implementation study phase of the development of a Space Dosimetry Telescope combining the RADTEL space radiation and the TRITEL space dosimetry telescopes with the Europen Active Dosimeter for the Earth Return Orbiter spacecraft of the Mars Sample Return mission. Prime Contractor: Centre for Energy Research.
04.RADMAG-L for SmallSatsDevelopment of a combined space radiation and magnetometer Instrument including built-in capability for boom system operation for space weather nowcast and forecast services based on the product definitions and requirements of the European Space Agency for SmallSat applications. Prime Contractor: Centre for Energy Research.
05.PILLE-MKS for International Space StationEngineering operational support, maintenance and spare units production of PILLE-MKS space dosimetry service system of the ISS Russian segment. Prime Contractor: Centre for Energy Research.